IFSS offer a comprehensive range of products with excellent supplier relationships through our brand partners such as Fuelco, Woodfield, Banlaw, Treloar, Tecalemit and Fueltreat. Our dedicated sales team are willing and bale to assist in your fluid control equipment and look forward to finding a solutions to your supply needs.

Oil Cleaners

Oil Cleaners

Fueltreat Oil cleaners are powerful dispersant and cleaning packages. They are designed to breakdown oil sludges and remove deposits from sumps, valve trains and oil systems. they are added to the oil just before an oil change, and the engine brought up to operating temperature. The powerful cleaning and dispersing action results in a cleaner […]

Fuel Biocides

Fuel Biocides

Diesel fuel is prone to contamination by microbes that can seriously affect the performance and reliability of engines. Fuel biocides will eliminate microbes, and help restore performance and fuel efficiency, improve reliability and reduce black smoke.